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What is the difference between "Sundried" and "Premium" Maca Products?>

Maca root seeds are planted in August and September in the high Andes of Peru. It takes about 9 months for the plants to mature and produce the Maca roots that we all enjoy and benefit from. When the Maca roots are harvested there are two ways in which they can be dried for processing.

  1. Sundried Process – This is the tradtional way of drying Maca roots. After harvest, the roots are spread out on the ground to dry in the mountain sun for 10-40 days. This way of drying produces a sweeter tasting Maca and results in slightly higher levles of macaenes and macamides, which are nutrients unique to Maca thought to support hormone health.
  2. Premium Process – This is a modern way of drying Maca roots after harvest. Fresh roots are taken immediately from the fields to a processing facility where they are dried in low temperature dehydrators. This process was developed to help standardize nutrients in Maca. The result is a stronger and spicier tasting Maca powder with slightly higher glucosinolate levels. Premium Maca products are also more expensive because of the increased labor involved in their production.

This Chart Shows The Main Differences

Which Type of Maca is for You?

Our customers report great benefits from both Sundried and Premium Maca products. They are both of very high quality, grown, produced and packaged with great care. It really comes down to personal preference, so suggest to try some of both over time to see which you like better.

Why Choose Maca from The Maca Team

All of our Maca powders come to us in small batches from our farming cooperative in Peru, are packed in air and light resistant packaging and arrive in our customers hands within 3-4 months of being produced. This makes them the freshest on the market. In addition they are all 100% GMO-free, certified organic and fair trade.

For more information about the various types of Maca we offer please visit: "Which Maca is Best?"

If you have any further questions please let us know


Enjoy the day!
